OiKo Studio

OiKo Studio. GR07 Chair. Produced by Il·lacions

Recycled plastic as a material with its own meaning, a language that enters into the domestic sphere and its aesthetic code.

OiKo is a product design consultancy located in Barcelona specialised in analysing the carbon footprint, the development of materials and the circular economy, all of which is the hallmark of the country’s main design companies that are transitioning towards a more sustainable output. Its work is based on scientific research, design and the actual requirements of industry to deliver more competitive products to businesses that are more sustainable for the planet and have an emotional appeal for end users.

The GR03 chairs are made from recycled plastic taken from detergent containers and turned into unique pieces by OiKo Design Office. An unidentified mould found in a factory was this project’s starting point. OiKo understands recycled plastic as a material with its own meaning, a language that enters into the domestic sphere and its aesthetic code. They redesign and produce, but at the same time create an end-to-end procedure that brings the designer and manual worker together, much like the Arts and Crafts movement of William Morris.


El plàstic reciclat com un material amb significat propi, amb un llenguatge que s'introdueix en l'àmbit domèstic i en el seu codi estètic. 
El plástico reciclado como un material con significado propio, con un lenguaje que se introduce en el ámbito doméstico y en su código estético. 
Recycled plastic as a material with its own meaning, a language that enters into the domestic sphere and its aesthetic code.

Empresa Artesana / Craft Company  
Joan Corbalan Ramos

Polietilé reciclat i acer lacat
Polietileno reciclado y acero lacado
Recycled polyethylene and lacquered steel

Photography: Buttazzoni Photography

El plàstic reciclat com un material amb significat propi, amb un llenguatge que s’introdueix en l’àmbit domèstic i en el seu codi estètic. 
El plástico reciclado como un material con significado propio, con un lenguaje que se introduce en el ámbito doméstico y en su código estético. 
Recycled plastic as a material with its own meaning, a language that enters into the domestic sphere and its aesthetic code.

Empresa Artesana / Craft Company
Joan Corbalan Ramos

Polietilé reciclat i acer lacat
Polietileno reciclado y acero lacado
Recycled polyethylene and lacquered steel

Photography: Buttazzoni Photography
