Mireia Coromina

Mireia Coromina (1982, Sant Jaume de Llierca,) holds a degree in Humanities from Pompeu Fabra, and a advance degree in Applied Arts, Sculpture from the Escuela Massana. She then went on to complete her training at La Llotja, Barcelona, and at the Fundación Pilar y Joan Miró, de Mallorca.

Since 2017 she has been a professor at the Olot School of Art and Design. She has carried out residencies in Palma de Mallorca (2015) with the project “No hay garantías de que no nos corrompamos”, with which she won the second ArtsFAD award in 2017, and Auztis – France (2016) with the project “La peau du paysage”, and Blöunduos – Iceland (2.019), Icelandic Textile Centre developing the project “Atta acirón rós”.

Her first solo exhibition was in 2015 at the ‘Escuela taller Teranyina de Barcelona’ with “Variaciones. Trama i ordit”.The methods usually employed by the artist are based on the use of ancestral techniques linked to the female world such as the art of weaving, dyeing, writing and painting, crochet or embroidery. Techniques that involve another time, and where the repetition of the gesture is very important.

Átta blada rós, La rosa dels vuit pètals, 2019, Teixit de doble ordit amb teler manual, dibuixos a grafit i llana islandesa 230 x 24 cm
Átta blada rós, La rosa dels vuit pètals, 2019, Tejido de doble urdimbre con telar manual, dibujos a grafito y lana islandesa 230 x 24 cm
Átta blada rós, La rosa dels vuit pètals, 2019, Double warp knitting with handloom, graphite drawings and Icelandic wool 230 x 24 cm

Photography: Buttazzoni Photography

Átta blada rós, La rosa dels vuit pètals, 2019, Teixit de doble ordit amb teler manual, dibuixos a grafit i llana islandesa 230 x 24 cm
Átta blada rós, La rosa dels vuit pètals, 2019, Tejido de doble urdimbre con telar manual, dibujos a grafito y lana islandesa 230 x 24 cm
Átta blada rós, La rosa dels vuit pètals, 2019, Double warp knitting with handloom, graphite drawings and Icelandic wool 230 x 24 cm

Photography: Buttazzoni Photography
